Christine G. Lian, MD
George F. Murphy, MD
Radiation Oncology
Ayal Aizer, MD, MHS
Brian M. Alexander, MD, MPH
Danielle N. Margalit, MD, MPH
Jonathan D. Schoenfeld, MD, MPhil, MPH
Roy B. Tishler, MD, PhD
Surgical Oncology
Nancy L. Cho, MD
Charles H. Yoon, MD, PhDMelanoma - Dermatology
To make an appointment,call
Tel: 877-332-***
Niroshana Anandasabapathy, MD, PhD
Academic Title: Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical
Discipline: Dermatology
Tel: 617-632-***
Fax: 617-632-***
Email: nanandasabapathy**[ta]**
Board Certification: Dermatology
Areas of Expertise: Cutaneous oncology, immunology,medical dermatology
Cecilia Larocca, MD
Academic Title: Instructor in Dermatology, Harvard
Discipline: Dermatology
Tel: 617-632-***
Fax: 617-632-***
Email: cecilia_larocca**[ta]**
Board Certification: Dermatology
Areas of Expertise: Cutaneous oncology, dermatologic
oncology, dermatologic toxicities from
anti-cancer therapies,immunosuppression, laser and cosmetic
surgery, lymphoma, medical
dermatology, melanoma, moles, wound
Nicole R. LeBoeuf, MD, MPH
Title: Clinical Director, Cutaneous Oncology
Academic Title: Assistant Professor in Dermatology,
Discipline: Dermatology
Tel: 617-632-***
Fax: 617-632-***
Email: nleboeuf**[ta]**
Medical School: University of Massachusetts Medical
Residency: Columbia University Medical Center,Dermatology
Fellowship: Brigham and Women's Hospital/DanaFarber Cancer Institute, Cutaneous
Board Certification: Dermatology
Areas of Expertise: Melanoma, Cutaneous lymphomas,Cutaneous toxicities from anti-cancer
therapies, Inherited cancer syndromes,Rare and advanced skin cancersMelanoma - Dermatology
To make an appointment,call
Tel: 877-332-***
Danielle E. Levine, MD
Academic Title: Instructor in Dermatology, Harvard
Medical School
Discipline: Dermatology
Tel: 617-632-***
Fax: 617-632-***
Email: dlevine10**[ta]**
Medical School: Tufts University School of Medicine
Residency: Massachusetts General Hospital,Dermatology
Board Certification: Dermatology
Areas of Expertise: Melanoma, Dermatologic oncology,Medical dermatology, Non-melanoma
skin cancer
Jennifer Y. Lin, MD
Academic Title: Assistant Professor of Dermatology,Harvard Medical School
Discipline: Dermatology
Tel: 617-632-***
Fax: 617-632-***
Email: jylin**[ta]**
Medical School: Harvard Medical School
Residency: Harvard Combined Program,Dermatology
Fellowship: Wellman Institute of Photomedicine/Massachusetts General
Hospital, Photomedicine
Board Certification: Dermatology
Areas of Expertise: Melanoma, Moles, Skin cancer
Martin C. Mihm, Jr., MD
Title: Associate Director, Melanoma Center
Academic Title: Clinical Professor of Dermatology and
Pathology, Harvard Medical School
Discipline: Dermatology
Tel: 617-632-***
Fax: 617-632-***
Email: mmihm**[ta]**
Medical School: University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Residency: Mount Sinai Hospital, Internal Medicine
Fellowships: Massachusetts General Hospital,Dermatology;
Massachusetts General Hospital,Pathology
Board Certifications: Dermatology
Anatomic Pathology
Areas of Expertise: Melanoma, Vascular malformations,Lymphoma, Cutaneous hypersensitivityMelanoma - Dermatology
To make an appointment,call
Tel: 877-332-***
Hillary C. Tsibris, MD
Academic Title: Instructor in Dermatology, Harvard
Medical School
Discipline: Dermatology
Tel: 617-632-***
Fax: 617-632-***
Email: htsibris**[ta]**
Medical School: Harvard Medical School
Residencies: Brigham and Women's Hospital,Internal Medicine;
Harvard Combined Dermatology
Residency Program, Dermatology
Board Certification: Dermatology
Areas of Expertise: Cutaneous oncology (skin cancer), laser
and cosmetic surgery, medical
dermatology, melanoma, moles
Melanoma - Medical Oncology
Elizabeth I. Buchbinder, MD
Title: Physician
Academic Title: Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical
Discipline: Medical Oncology
Tel: 617-632-***
Fax: 617-632-***
Medical School: Tufts University School of Medicine
Residency: Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center,Internal Medicine
Fellowship: Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center,Medical Oncology
Board Certifications: Internal Medicine
Medical Oncology
Areas of Expertise: Melanoma, Immunotherapy, Targeted
Rizwan Haq, MD, PhD
Title: Physician; Associate Physician, Brigham
and Women's Hospital
Academic Title: Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical
Discipline: Medical Oncology
Tel: 617-632-***
Fax: 617-632-***
Email: rizwan_haq**[ta]**
Medical School: University of Toronto
Graduate School: University of Toronto
Residency: Johns Hopkins Hospital, Osler
Housestaff Training Program
Fellowship: Dana-Farber/Partners CancerCare,Medical Oncology
Board Certifications: Internal Medicine
Medical Oncology
Areas of Expertise: Melanoma, Developmental therapeutics,Targeted therapiesMelanoma - Medical Oncology
To make an appointment,call
Tel: 877-332-***
F. Stephen Hodi, Jr., MD
Title: Director, Melanoma Center; Director,Center for Immuno-Oncology; Institute
Physician; Sharon Crowley Martin
Chair in Melanoma
Academic Title: Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical
Discipline: Medical Oncology
Tel: 617-632-***
Fax: 617-632-***
Email: stephen_hodi**[ta]**
Medical School: Weill Medical College of Cornell
Residency: University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Internal Medicine
Fellowship: Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Medical
Board Certifications: Internal Medicine
Medical Oncology
Areas of Expertise: Gene therapy for cancer, Melanoma,Tumor immunology
Patrick Ott, MD, PhD
Title: Clinical Director, Melanoma Center;
Clinical Director, Center for ImmunoOncology; Physician
Academic Title: Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard
Medical School
Discipline: Medical Oncology
Tel: 617-582-***
Fax: 617-632-***
Email: patrick_ott**[ta]**
Medical School: Ludwig Maximilians, University of Munich
Residency: Case Western Reserve University,Internal Medicine
Fellowship: New York University School of Medicine, Hematology and Oncology
Board Certifications: Internal Medicine
Medical Oncology
Areas of Expertise: Melanoma, Immunotherapy
Melanoma - Pathology
Scott R. Granter, MD
Academic Title: Associate Professor of Pathology,Harvard Medical School
Discipline: Pathology
Tel: 617-732-***
Email: sgranter**[ta]**
Medical School: University of Vermont College of Medicine
Residency: Brigham and Women's Hospital,Pathology
Fellowships: Brigham and Women's Hospital,Cytopathology;
Harvard Medical School,Dermatopathology
Board Certifications: Anatomic Pathology
Areas of Expertise: Dermatopathology, Melanoma,Immunohistochemistry, Anatomic
pathologyMelanoma - Pathology
To make an appointment,call
Tel: 877-332-***
Alvaro C. Laga Canales, MD, MMSC
Academic Title: Assistant Professor in Pathology,Harvard Medical School
Discipline: Pathology
Tel: 617-732-***
Email: alaga**[ta]**
Medical School: Instituto Technologico y De Estudios
Residencies: Baylor College of Medicine, Pathology;
Rhode Island Hospital, Pathology
Fellowship: Harvard Combined Dermatopathology
Fellowship Program,Pathology/Dermatopathology
Board Certifications: Pathology
Christine G. Lian, MD
Academic Title: Assistant Professor of Pathology,Harvard Medical School
Discipline: Pathology
Tel: 617-732-***
Medical School: Bethune University of Medical Sciences
Residency: UMass Memorial Medical Center,Pathology
Fellowships: Brigham and Women's Hospital,Dermatopathology;
Brigham and Women's Hospital,Pathology/Dermatopathology
Board Certifications: Anatomic and Clinical pathology
George F. Murphy, MD
Title: Chief, Dermatopathology, Brigham and
Women's Hospital
Academic Title: Professor of Pathology, Harvard Medical
Discipline: Pathology
Tel: 617-525-***
Email: gmurphy**[ta]**
Medical School: University of Vermont College of Medicine
Residency: Massachusetts General Hospital,Pathology
Fellowship: Massachusetts General Hospital,Dermatopathology
Board Certifications: Anatomic Pathology